- Welcome
- Apologies for absence
- To approve the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 16 March 2023
- Governance topics
- Adopt the model constitution from Policy, Organisation and Rules
- Note the Group’s financial year
- Agree the number of members that may be elected to the Trustee Board
- Agree the quorum for each of the Group Scout Council (including this AGM), meetings of the Group Trustee Board, meetings of any sub-committees
- Review of the previous year
- The Group Scout Leader’s review of Scouting in 5th Stalybridge Scout Group
- To receive and consider the Annual Report of the Group Trustee Board including the annual Statement of the Accounts
- Making appointments
- To note any other supporters who may be admitted to membership of the Group Scout Council, including former Scouts and parents, by the Group Scout Leader, the Group Trustee Board or the Group Scout Council.
- To approve the Group Scout Leader’s nomination of the Group Chair
- Election of the Group Secretary
- Election of the Group Treasurer
- Elections of members to the Group Trustee Board
- To approve the Group Scout Leader’s nominations to the Group Trustee Board
- To appoint the Independent Examiner
- Close
At the start of 2023, the financial position of the consolidated bank balances was £18,185 at the end of the year the balances in the Natwest and Lloyds bank account totalled £10,943. The 2023 accounts have been independently reviewed as part of the year end processes.
There has been a reduction in the cash balance during the year as the Trustees have continued to invest in the Scouts Hut. The major costs in the year were supplying two new windows to the rear of the Scout Hut, installing a new fire door at the entrance and flooring repairs to the main Scout Hut.
As energy costs rise, the Trustees are happy to note that our electricity and gas contracts have been renewed for the next two years. These are rising costs for everyone and every business in the UK and the Scouts Trustee has worked to stabilize the cost.
Although the Trustees are happy with cash position at the end of 2023, they will be fund raising throughout 2024, including a race night in March, submitting applications for available grants and re-introducing Gift aid forms to allow the claiming of gift aid on the subs received by the Scout Group. The gift aid income benefits the Group and helps to allow the great activities the leaders provide to happen.
To close, we continue to work as a team to ensure the 5th Stalybridge Scouts remain financially stable and there are funds available to provide amazing activities in this Scout Hut and beyond.

The Trustees of 5th Stalybridge Scout Group would like to thank the leaders, assistant leaders and young leaders for their dedication to 5th Stalybridge Scouts, for without them fun and adventure for beavers, cubs and scouts would not be possible.
Members of the Group Trustee Board and Friends of the 5th assist by taking on tasks outside scouting so leaders can concentrate on planning and organising their section evenings, events and more scouting fun. We welcome any support and time you can offer to help take on the other tasks of running a scout group that are not scouting related.
Scout leaders, members of the Group Trustee Board and Friends of the 5th meet approximately every couple of months for about an hour, and all are welcome to attend the meetings to discuss the future of the group.
Plans for 2024
Ensure the group claim gift aid.
Develop fundraising opportunities by applying for grants and by running events.
Progress with funding for the plans to create an open plan room downstairs, including new stairs and access to the outside area and enjoy the benefits of this.
Continue to improve the building, inside and outside for the benefit of all who use it with more group ‘DIY Days’.
If you think you could help with any of the above please let your section leader know, it is up to you how much time you would like to offer - every hour makes a difference.
Thank you to all who have helped at the past ‘DIY Days’ a great amount of progress has been made to improve our hut.
David R
5th Stalybridge, Scout Group
2023 has been a full and eventful year with new challenges along the way including the number of scout leaders ideally to run outdoor events and the update to the new online subscription payment system.
The section has continued to grow and we are now up to 28 Scouts, assisted by 6 Young Leaders. This is the very maximum that we can effectively have within the section due to the mandatory 1 adult to 12 Scouts plus a leader in charge ratio which means we require 4 adult leaders to go outside of the building for activities.
Throughout the year we have been learning new skills towards both activity and challenge badges most notably our paddleboarding and canoeing evening on Stamford Park Boating Lake. We have seen 2 Scouts leave the section with their Chief Scouts Gold Awards and one who remains with the group assisting with the younger sections.
Summer 2023 saw the section return to Devon for a weeks Summer Camp on the English Riviera. This was a great opportunity to see all the skills the Scouts, Young Leaders and younger Adult Leaders developed mixed in with the different activities and laughs which were had along the way and every day. Thanks need to go to Glyn who organised this camp but unfortunately was not able to attend due to his health but was there in spirit and the leaders thoughts in every way. Specific thanks need to go to James Hopwood and Dominic Mayhew who were the key drivers to every excursion on the camp and to Robert Hughes for the hours of entertainment and background support throughout the camp.
I want to end with a final note of thanks to all the Scout Section Team, not only the dedicated adults Glyn, Robert and Dominic but also the dedication of our younger volunteers. Glyn’s continued assistance with elements of the sections running provide a vital service to all who, even if they are unaware of his involvement. Elodie, Robert, Josh, Lewis, Elise and Nathan are an essential part of the groups training, support and growth of the individual Scouts throughout their journey within the section. They are a vital link between the young and the old, of which I now have to reluctantly class myself as old.
Moving forward into 2024 the full implementation of the online payments and banking system will ensure smoother transactions and better accountancy. I hope to run several small and long weekend camps over the year as to not take up too many holiday days for the Scout Leader Volunteers which still providing camping opportunities for all.
Scout Section Leader
5thStalybridge Scouts Group Scout Leader Report for 2023/24
Good Evening Everyone and welcome to our Race Night Fundraiser and Annual General Meeting.
It is an absolute honour and privilege to be Group Scout Leader for 5thStalybridge Scout Group.
When you have been part of this very special group, firstly as a Cub, Scout and Venture Scout followed by over 14 years as a leader since my two young (but now grown-up) boys joined, it just becomes part of your life.
As the section leader for Beavers and Cubs I can honestly say it has been a fantastic 12 months for our young people and I hope they have had great fun but also learnt skills for life as that is what scouting is all about.
As for the leadership team here at 5th, I cannot thank each one of them enough for producing such a wonderful programme but most importantly their dedication to the role and the group.
I would like for everyone in the room to give a huge round of applause to the following:
David M, Dominic, Robert, Ian, Glyn & Liam.
For our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts to be successful the leaders need a great support team and we have exactly that here at 5th.
The adult assistant leaders along with our brilliant young leaders are invaluable and without them turning up week in week out it would be very hard to run such great nights.
I would like to thank all young leaders and DofE volunteers, everyone in the room to give them a huge round of applause.
I would now like to move on to our support team who do so much behind the scenes to keep 5thStalybridge Scout Group, which is now 113 years old, on the right track so that we are here for our future generations.
As Group Scout Leader I would like to thank all three of the following for their support they provide:
Alison our Chair, David R our Secretary and Angela our Treasurer.
Just like our leaders their dedication to the role is invaluable.
I would also like to thank the following who also form part of our Trustee Board:
Jean, Rory, Bob, Catherine, Gary and James.
Tonight we have two very special individuals in the room who have helped shape the lives of thousands of young people over 25 years at 5thStalybridge Scout Group
Glyn and Nicki’s dedication to the 5th is a key reason the group has been so successful and is still going strong.
I always tell the story of when I “knocked on the Scout Hut door” and asked if my son Harrison could join Beavers.
The leader at the door was Bob, another incredible Scout Leader who this year has received the highest honour possible in Scouting, “The Silver Wolf”.
He looked into my eyes and said “You used to be a Scout here didn’t you?”
The rest as they say is history and I became a leader for the Beavers when I first joined.
You could see straight away that the 5thwas in great hands and I could see first-hand how amazing Glyn & Nicki were and the respect they had gained from everyone involved.
I have learnt so much from both of them over the last 14 years and it will stand me in good stead as I try to emulate what they have both achieved.
I have now been Group Scout Leader for about 18 months and I know how much time and dedication it takes for a successful group to run smoothly and well so to do it for a quarter of a century is incredible.
Both Glyn & Nicki are still taking an active part in our group and are always there for me if I need any support or advice, something I will always be grateful for.
Last year at our AGM I proposed a special “Celebration” and “Thank You” night dedicated to both Glyn & Nicki.
This will be an opportunity for everyone involved with 5thStalybridge Scout Group, both existing members and those who have had the pleasure of being involved with them since 1999 to get together and look back on an outstanding scouting journey.
We now have a date and venue booked in September this year and more detail will be provided nearer the time.
To close my Group Scout Leader report I would just like to say to all of those in this room who are interested in getting involved with our amazing Scout Group either by becoming a leader or supporting behind the scenes, do not hesitate to speak with me or anybody else involved with 5thStalybridge.
Believe me when I say you will not regret it and the experiences and skills you will gain will remain with you for life.
Thank you so much for listening and enjoy the rest of this great night.
Group Scout Leader